bruce wake bording Well bruce tryed it never made it up but he had fun! Well tonight i have my bridel shower is goint to be fun! I even got the truck today i am so speshel you can so tell that bruce loves me!!
it is here!! It like a big cloud has been lifted bacuse my dress is now here. Now i have to go and pick it up on friday yes I am so happy. To top off my day my house is being showen tonight it might be a good thing and these peale might bye it that would be so good!
this is what bruce gave me! he just came home last night and gave them to me as a superise i was so happy he never gives me flowers for just becuse. I can not belive how fast the wedding is comming up the days are just going by so fast. teela should be here next week or so i a shower on thurdays night it is just crazy
this is my hand! so i seen the doctor agine today on my hand and he said that i have to keep cream on it and wraped up for another week and come back agine next week. I cant belive it one month till the wedding it comming up so soon. i feel like iam every day iam doing something for the wedding that seams to be all that is on my mind it seems so crazy!
my house is so hot the weather is so nice here but my house gets so hot at the same time. some of my vegtiabel garden is comming up i am so happy i cant wate till it all up and i can eat it. my flower bed looks like shit right now but with the bern on my hand i have not been able to do a hole lot it sucks and herts at the same time!
this is maggen well at least i have my flower girls dress it not here and well the other dresses are her too but not mine gerrrrrrr! well bruce got his ring yesterday but agine mine is stilll not here gerrrrrrrrr! I am running out of time only 33 day till the wedding
carmal and bruce she is so cute i love this both. they are both sitting on a 4 wheeler and yet the dog will stay there when we are ridding aroun nicely. i am still sick i dont think that i will be doing anything today. i just feel like shit. 36 DAYS TILL MY WEDDING!!
my brother in law so what do you think! so this is the guy that we got film are weddign he will make you laught at lest he is my sister in laws boyfriend well they so should be marryed but that is ok. go to go to school try to wright back later 37 Days Till My Wedding!!!
So Brad and Sues wedding is now over and well mine is in like 38 days not long at all. I am not working anymore and well i might get a job after the wedding and Iam just about done school for this year. Some one looked at my house and thougth it was great and is thinking about bying it so that could make like more interesting.